Photo: © Dinacell
News | February 2025
Replacing belts as needed
The number of lifts in which belts are being used as load-bearing devices instead of ropes is growing almost daily. What must be borne in mind, what challenges does this involve?
Reinier Geradts. (Photo: © VLR)
October 2024
Harold Bussing (Kone Netherlands) has handed over the chairmanship of Nederlandse Vereniging voor Lift en Roltraptechniek (VLR) to Reinier Geradts (DLR Eurlicon).
Reinier Geradts, director of DLR Eurlicon, has been appointed as the new chairman of VLR, the Dutch trade association for lifts and escalators. The gavel was already officially passed from his predecessor, Harold Bussing of Kone, on 15 March during the first VLR General Assembly of the year.
Bussing had been a VLR board member since 2016 and became the association's chairman two years later. Geradts has worked in the lift and escalator industry since 1985. He worked for Schindler and ThyssenKrupp and held various positions.
In 2005 he started his own business and founded the Lift and Escalator Advisory Group, after which he became a member of the VLR at the end of 2012. Geradts has been a part of the VLR board since 2015.
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