(Photo: © SafeSolutions)

Know what’s happening thanks to monitoring


Lift 4.0 and the Internet of things were definitely the focus of attention at this year’s Schwelm Lift Symposium. What do they mean for lift companies, building operators and their customers?

When distinguishing between manufacturers, operators, maintenance companies, advisors and users, we first distinguish between what they want: safety, no malfunctions, few repair costs, low maintenance costs and finally preservation of value. Safety is the common denominator; repair costs or preservation of value are not necessarily what all customer groups most want.

Intelligent maintenance management

Low procurement and operating costs, availability or simply freedom from worry are also high priorities. Does the customer even understand the contradiction between low procurement costs and low operating costs? How do you recognise your lift quality? Is it the absence of malfunctions, repairs, defects or surprising additional costs?

Possible features are availability, reaction time in the event of a malfunction or trapped passengers, maintenance visits, wearing part planning or also advice. On top of this come comparability, independence, safety and availability of data.

The fact that the Internet of things has already encompassed lifts is obvious. The trade press, associations, symposia and manufacturers are full of reports. The question raised is what is actually profitable in the lift business. As a rule, this is no longer the case with new installations, but rather maintenance and spare parts. But for how much longer? Monitoring of maintenance and intelligent maintenance management are emerging as the next evolutionary steps.

Lift Telefoon and Lift Book

How can lift companies achieve added value? An emergency call system, such as the Lift Telefoon GSM 8000 marketed by SafeSolutions GmbH, has to be in the lift in any case. With a little effort, this can be used as a monitoring system. It can function as an electronic lift book, which then provides options for intelligent maintenance management.

All that is required is a link to the control mechanism. Registration occurs using a free app via a QR code. The Lift Telefoon itself is familiar technology on the market, produced in yellow. The package includes an intercom package and is often cheaper than devices identical in design. A SIM card is included at no extra cost. The product package is in stock and as a result easily available.

The question for you is whether you would prefer to own or use it ("rent instead of buy"). Innovations come from the software or the cloud! The Lift Book can also be realised with existing devices using the same technology.

LiftLog data collector

LiftLog is independent of brand, age or technology. Collection occurs in the machine-room. It does not involve any intervention in the control or safety circuit. Numerous data sets are collected and undergo intelligent evaluation. The inspection demanded in the Operating Safety Ordinance is documented. This meets an important requirement of the lift attendant. LiftLog distinguishes between operating behaviour and events that have been long pending and are out of the ordinary.

Advisors can support maintenance companies and operators in increasing efficiency and lowering costs. Extension to other building sections such as shaft smoke extraction, heating/ventilation/air conditioning or doors is conceivable. In this way, maintenance companies can develop their competitive advantage.

Lift Telefoon complies with EN81-28

Two universal and independent monitoring devices are available in the form of the Lift Telefoon and LiftLog. Data in real time and statistical evaluations provide useful information. Reports can be standardised or drawn up according to customer wishes. The data generated belong to the customer and not the manufacturer. They are stored in the cloud on separate servers. Storage on client servers is possible.

Lift Telefoon complies with EN81-28 and provides familiar technology. Almost no additional hardware is needed. The electronic Lift Book provides documentation of all lift-relevant documents. LiftLog evaluates various parameters, does not intervene in the control mechanism and documents the inspection required in the Operating Safety Ordinance.


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