(Photo: © Fokus Zukunft)

Riedl Aufzüge is becoming climate-neutral


The lift manufacturer Riedl from Feldkirchen in Bavaria had its greenhouse gas emissions recorded and balanced by the acquisition of a total of 1,590 climate protection certificates for 2020 and 2021.

The company is supporting a forestation project in Uruguay, hydro-electric project in India and a hydro-electric project in Uganda.

Riedl commissioned the external sustainability consulting company "Fokus Zukunft" to calculate its carbon footprint. The emissions balance sheet was calculated using the official guidelines of the "Greenhouse Gas Protocol", which defines and categorises different types of greenhouse gases. Riedl has received the title "climate neutral company" for its compensation of greenhouse gases.

Working group "Climate and environmental protection"

Moreover, this year Riedl has established an internal working group "Climate and environmental protection" with approximately ten employees from different departments in order to develop and implement further measures, such as avoiding waste, developing solar power generation, the e-car fleet and regional flower and fruit gardens.

More informations: riedl-aufzuege.de

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