Example of an individually-designed VisioLine surface. (Photo: © Telegärtner)

Advertising posters in the lift were so yesterday…


Reading the newspaper, surfing the Internet, listening to the radio or watching TV, on business or personal trips. One thing can be identified that is almost always present everywhere: advertising.

Perceptions of advertising are undoubtedly individual, but once it hits the right note, slogans or spots make a deep impression on us. Who does not know “Save Money. Live Better” [Walmart] or “Drivers Wanted” [VW].

Every surface, however inconspicuous at first sight, can be given an extremely attractive design with advertising and marketed. But how can advertising and other information be brought into harmony with safety equipment?

Cooperation between Telegärtner Elektronik and Schaefer GmbH

The answer is provided by cooperation between Telegärtner Elektronik and Schaefer GmbH. A new and simultaneously forward-looking product has been created by linking Telegärtner’s emergency call device HBN (see Liftjournal 3/17, page 22), the touch TFT technology of Schaefer and numerous new additional features.

The passenger is provided with previously unused features in the up-to-now unique system VisioLine. Status information like floor displays or the travel indication are possible. The desired target floor can be selected via touch TFT while the name of each floor can be individually defined.

Configuring the touch TFT is web-based

HandwerkPhotos, videos and company logos can be assigned variably and to each floor while current news, weather information, stock market reports, sport and lots more can be displayed too. For example, the current daily menu of the restaurant or special offers in the lingerie department can be advertised. Information on various operating modes of the control mechanism can be presented.

For example, in hospitals bed transports or a penthouse trip in a high-rise building can be notified. Important safety information, such as "Fire - use the emergency exit!", "Lift maintenance!" or "Watch the step" can of course also be displayed.

Configuring the touch TFT is in general web-based. If no PC is available, the touch TFT can also be set according to the particular needs with a mobile terminal (Android and iOS).

Safety aspect takes pride of place

The safety aspect naturally takes pride of place in all possible variants of providing passengers with information. Thanks to Telegärtner's TÜV-tested quality products, passengers not only have visual diversion during the trip, but can also request help quickly in an emergency, also without speaking. Along with VisioLine, Telegärtner also provides the transmission route required and certified control room connection with national exemption.

Marketing advertising space on the touch TFT is one way of refinancing the investment. By these means, it is only a question of time before the procurement of VisioLine has been amortised.


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